If you like to sleep in a disco!
Hotel is situated in the middle of a busy shopping complex with hard rock café and other recusants all pumping out music at all hours. the builders are in at the moments and they start work at 6 am even on a sunday. you are also right next to night clubs which play music very loudly till about 4am. being at the frot of the hotel was like being in a fish bowl as you looked straight at the shoppers. we never opened our curtains! having no balcony of any type meant there was no where to dry your wet swimming things. the windows need replacing or secondary glazing must be added before i would ever recommend this hotel. it was so noisy it was like staying in a disco. the hotel is disjointed as half the rooms are ones side of the shopping mall whilst to get to the restaurant and roof pool you had to walk across the shopping centre. the staff were friendly and the hotel clean. put these people and rooms somewhere else and yes i would give it 3 stars but in this location its a -1 star from me.