Costa Rica Hotels

Choose where to sleep in Costa Rica: we have over 347 hotels available in 50 cities

Most popular destinations in Costa Rica

Here are the top destinations

Costa Rica is a Central American country that borders Nicaragua to the north and Panama to the south east, and which is kept wet by the Pacific Ocean to the west, and by the Caribbean Sea to the east.

Costa Rica is located within the Central American isthmus, but it also includes several islands such as the Cocos Island, far from the mainland, and the Calero Island. Costa Rica has a very low latitude, and because of its proximity to the equator it is characterized by a tropical climate throughout the year. However, there are some micro-climates, which differ according to the geographical characteristics of the different areas of the country.

The main language is Costa Rica Spanish, which is a variant of the Spanish language spoken here. However, inside some reservations they speak also indigenous languages​​. The state capital is San José.